on (teaching) jazz
- 1 identify goals for the course
- 2 know students
- 3 present self (entertain)
- many need to complete credit (just
want to finish course)
- should we divorce ourselves from
- Do students do every day listening?
- Do students do exclusive listening?
- Jazz is selling commercials (ask them
to watch/write title)
- listen high/low
- sympathy for artist
- get them to own 1 album
- teach skills (not facts)
- focus on listening
- 1964-80 gen x
- younger generation does not study same
- direction less
- expectant
- disrespectful
- insistent
- lazy
- first impressions (3-15 min)
- age
- enthusiasm
- knowlege (notes or not)
- interest
- likeability
- ease of course
how they learn
- 85 like to work with detailed inst
(passing examples)
- 76 watch
- 24 read
- 0 do both
- (be clear about exceptions/rules)
- you are key
- (not your books/cds)
useful materials
- visual
- useful after course
- cd or audio
- over head presentation
- audio
- websites
- photo graphs
- visual
- movement
- classroom setup
- tone/tempo
- concerts
- inst demo?
- use faculty (brian) to get students
- incorporate firmiliar
- use elvis
- contrast w/jazz
- count to show bars
- march music (use sousa)
- contrast w/blues march
- credit
- social dancing
- hickey
- blind date
- humor (jazz anecdotes)
- dvd (clips)
- holes in lect (they fill in with www