Ted Pease on (teaching)
These ideas appear in the new book
published by Berklee Press "Jazz Composition"
assignment 1
- look at melodic rhythms
- give rhythms to a popular melody
- ask student to identify the tune
assignment 2
- give prewritten rhythm
- assign mode
- write 8 bar melody
assignment 3
- give melody
- ask to write harmony (diatonic only)
- later write melody notes as tensions
assignment 4
- write riff blues
- write riffs w/3rd phrase variations
(punch line)
- good examples of this scheme are:
blues walk, nows time, birks works
assignment 5
- write through composed blues
- use rhythmic repetition to create
assignment 6
- write a tune using sequence
- good examples of this scheme are:
woody n you, naima, honeysuckle rose
assignment 7
- rhythm remains constant/notes move
- 2nd phrase is commentary on1st
- antecedent/consequent phrases
(question and answer)
- supply answer phrases
- ask student to provide question
assignment 8
- write a ballad
- bridge on IV chord
- usually with a temporary secondary
modulation 1/2 way through the bridge
- return to home key at end of bridge
assignment 9
- write in abac form
- c section must contain highest note
- tunes that are examples of this are:
airegin, child is born, in a mellow tone
assignment 10
- (harmony)
- diatonic
- secondary dominants (ask in Fmaj what
is a7?)
- substitute dominant
- corresponding II chords
- passing diminished chords and their
assignment 11
- construct melodies based on guide
tones w/embellishment
- (label embellishments)
assignment 12
- write rhythm changes
- then write in same form without the
assignment 13
- write a melody with an ostinato