Carl Allen Clinic
- 5-6 hours a day minimum practice
(includes a 1 hour warmup)
- 1 hour listening a day
- spend 1/2 hour on each portion of the
set (ride, bass drum, hi-hat)
- (sing the melody during that practice)
- the melodic concept of a horn player
should be present on the drums
- comp (or walk a bass line) while
singing the melody
- know the other band members off the
bandstand (this is the key to accompanying each other)
- pass listening lists and trade albums
with other members of your band
- singing is a mirror of the mind
- sing the ride pattern
- stop and sing the last thing the
soloist played
- sing tunes by memory
- think before starting to play (no
pickups or checks)
- sing solos through changes without
- you should try to sound like someone
you like (your study of them should be audible when you
- you are resting on their shoulders
when you play anything (do not spit on their
heads-disrespect them-by ignoring their contributions to
the music)
- bass and drums are like hand and glove
- ask for observations from the students
- band members should have eye contact